KeraNatural sterile allograft (donor) rings and arcs were developed by VisionGift in their state-of-the-art laboratories. KeraNatural segments act as spacers to flatten and regularize the corneal shape in patients with keratoconus and other forms of ectasia. As a natural alternative to synthetic implants, KeraNatural may offer better biocompatibility and less risk of rejection. KeraNatural is used in the CAIRS (Corneal Allogenic Intrastromal Ring Segments) procedure.
Here are the basics of the CAIRS procedure:
- Preparation: The patient’s eye is numbed using local anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.
- Insertion: A small incision is made in the cornea, generally using a laser, and the allogenic corneal ring segments are carefully inserted into the stroma.
- Positioning: The ring segments are positioned to help reshape and stabilize the cornea, reducing its irregularity and improving vision.
- Healing: Over time, typically about three months, the eye heals around the inserted segments, providing additional structural support to the weakened cornea.
What is Keratoconus?

The condition in which the clear tissue on the front of the eye (cornea) bulges outward. This affects your ability to focus, making your vision blurry or distorted. Its cause is unknown
Primarily symptoms first appear during puberty or the late teens, and in addition to blurred vision, keratoconus can cause sensitivity, redness and swelling, contact lenses to fit improperly, corneal bulging, and swelling or scarring of the cornea. Keratoconus usually affects both eyes, and the associated symptoms make daily tasks such as reading and driving extremely difficult. Currently, advanced cases frequently require a cornea transplant as the only treatment option. KeraNatural offers an alternative to full penetrating corneal transplants, and a natural option to other available treatments.

The Clear Choice
KeraNatural is processed in VisionGift’s ISO certified clean rooms to ensure safe and consistent grafts. They are packaged using VisionGift’s patented sterilization process, to ensure ease of use and they come with a two year shelf life, so you don t have to worry about timelines and lack of availability associated with fresh corneal tissue. When it comes to Keratoconus, KeraNatural is the clear choice for corneal contouring.